Books, Books, and More Books!!


The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault In Our Stars is the latest creation among John Green’s masterpieces. It’s one of the books that I truly recommend! The main characters, Hazel and Augustus, are ones that you will remember for quite a long time… This is not your typical they-have-cancer-and-someone-is-gonna-die book, (SPOILERS!) I mean sure someone will die in the end (SPOILERS!), but it’s still different…. The Fault In Our Stars is about life, love, death, and people’s struggle with things. I ended up crying in the end, especially the last part… John Green is, by far, one of the best authors in this world. So check this book out! This book might even touch your hearts like it touched mine.


The Mortal Instruments: City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

I read the Mortal Instruments Trilogy, yes Trilogy, last year and I loved it. Click here for the summary!! And this is what they look like:


When they say “trilogy” it means 3 books and 3 books only but I was genuinely surprised when the fourth book, City of Fallen Angels, came out! I told myself that I wouldn’t read the 4th book because I seriously loved how the third book ended and I didn’t want to ruin it… but eventually I did read the fourth book. It was actually better than I expected. It did end with in a sour note though but the 5th book is coming out this May and I cannot wait! There’s even a 6th book that will come out next year!

Jace, Clary, Alec, Simon, and Isabelle are in for a new and very dangerous adventure and I wasn’t able to put if down. Y’all must read it (but read the first 3 books first haha)!! And (SPOILERS!) Sebastian will return 😦 (SPOILERS!)


Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Read the summary here!

This book is great for the holidays. It’s about these people whose lives are actually connected. Three great authors with three different stories. I honestly don’t know how they connected it but in the end everything made sense. Just don’t make the same mistake I did, make sure you read the first story first or else you will spoil the whole book.


Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Read the summary here!!

My friend recommended this book right after she finished reading it and I tell you, she wouldn’t stop talking about it.

Anna and the French Kiss went beyond my expectations. I downloaded the ebook and I stayed until 2 in the morning just to read it. And now I’ve decided I need a real, physical copy of this book.

The characters are wonderful omg. Even though, in my opinion, Anna is a little cliche, like new-girl-on-the-block- cliche, and so is Etienne St. Clair with his looks and him being French/English/American, it was still a book that is hard to put down especially if you’re a sucker for masochistic, romantic books with a great deal of adventure and the sort.

It’s about this girl who was practically shipped to Paris to study in the School Of America In Paris (SOAP) for her senior year and was forced to leave her life back in Atlanta. There she was miserable, at first, and eventually she meets this guy that changes her life and there will be this major problem but in the end it’s gonna be solved. Sure it sounds like any other romance book (that’s what I thought too) but just give it a chance and read it and you’ll get hooked and you won’t regret it.

Anna and The French Kiss is seriously a page-turner.