You Can’t Have Your Cake and Pie and Ice Cream and Eat It Too

Seriously – that’s just wrong and rude and wrong. Stop it it’s not even funny anymore. You don’t get to tell people to do this and do that and get mad at them because you think they’re not listening to you even if they are but you can’t see that because you don’t look at the whole picture at all. Just stop. Please.

Make Good Choices

Today was the last day of our intramurals and they made this guy named Francis Kong talk for the closing ceremony. He was a great speaker. He talked about how winning and losing in life is really all just about the choices you make every day.

And today I was faced with ‘difficult’ choices. I had to choose between my friends and a concert I wanted to go to. When life hands you free concert tickets but you planned something before hand, I suggest you think about things first.

I chose the concert. Of course I picked the concert I mean that’s Paramore and they haven’t toured in a long time and I wasn’t able to watch the last time they went here so yes I picked them. I have no regrets whatsoever with watching the concert because they were beautiful and it made me appreciate a lot of things more. Including friends.

Last year I have decided that I will not regret anything anymore. I will just try to accept things as they are and make sure that I stand up for the choices I make. So this belief of mine stuck to me when I made my decision. When I picked the concert of course there were consequences. I had friends problems and I didn’t like the feeling I felt. It was my guilt eating me up all over again. I don’t like it. After the concert, I realized that there are just some habits of people that I can hardly tolerate and I really wish I knew about them earlier.

When you’re making choices, I suggest you know and think about what you’re doing before you give a final answer. Make sure that other people’s schedule will not be affected badly because of your impulsiveness – believe me, I learned it the hard way. So here’s to you and your future decisions. Make great choices!

Weird Thoughts At 3 In The Morning

This is the history of water on the Planet Mars according to NASA

(b.y.a. = Billion Years Ago)


And I thought………

What if humans were originally from Mars but global warming or something like that happened and people found out that Earth is somewhat like Mars too so everyone moved to Earth and then Mars dried up and then it turned into the red planet now and our ancestors are just keeping everything a secret

W H A T  I F

The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver

no this is not the candy and no not the song of All Time Low either (although I am telling you ALL to go and check out All Time Low’s Don’t Panic! It’s their latest album and I would say it’s totally worth your while!) I also think Don’t Panic! deserves a separate post hahaha

Anyhow, it’s been 2 months since my last post and I am deeply sorry about that 😦 We’ve been very busy in school and everything has been going downhill and I just didn’t know what to say anymore.

Term 2 just started and the 2 most important Forms are finally over so I guess I owe you guys several posts… and I’ll start with this!

OH! Me and my friends, Kimberly and Daniela, are starting a shop soon! We just finished the photoshoot earlier and we can’t wait to launch it! Watch out for Ombré you guys 🙂

Anyway, my life’s been pretty up and down these past few months… You would think everything was going well since I don’t really post much about my life but hey, everyone’s got their own slice of the bitter cake. It sucks. There are these people in my life who I think are there to help me out but I guess I just suck at responding to everything properly because instead of getting out of this deep hole that I’m in, I just end up falling deeper…. ergo the title.

Thank god there are concerts though. I just went to one of the best concerts ever. It was the Bazooka Rocks Festival and I was on the barricades from 12:30 noon until 11:30 pm. Yup! That’s 11 hours of just standing up! Thank god those people on stage were nice enough to give us unused water bottles when we asked for one… (There’ll be a post about that too don’t worry haha!)

I also started on a photo blog! Check it out here:

Life is weird again but oh well I just can’t wait for this to end I guess


Marc Johns (and his not so) Serious Drawings

As I was scrolling through my dashboard on Tumblr, I came across this awesome drawing that really caught my attention;


ever since I saw it that day, it immediately became my life motto.

I searched for the artist right away and I ended up on his site!

Have you ever experienced those moments when you see something for the first time and you immediately think “Wow that is so relevant I can’t really explain it but it’s like my whole life’s described/written there“? Going through his drawings were is one of those moments for me… He makes really interesting works of art that I find really amusing and although they’re simple, they’re all definitely worth a million words.


Marc Johns’ work has been everywhere apparently… From New York to Athens to Vancouver, his work’s been exhibited in a lot of places!! His works were also featured in several publications like Newsweek, National Geographic, and The New York Times.

He makes these things with pens and watercolour and… wow just look at these and these will explain everything that I’m trying to say hahaha



Marc Johns is one of my favourite artists now 🙂 🙂


He also has a book! It’s out of stock everywhere though 😦 BUT, try checking out other bookstores and online shops! **it’s quite pricey so yeah**


Make sure to go and check out Marc Johns Serious Drawings!!

The Amazing Spider-Man

Movies about super heroes (from both Marvel and DC), are on the loose right now. It’s like a super hero movie will show every 3 months now!! Nonetheless, I still enjoy every single one of them (and I’m pretty sure you do too! hahaha)


10 years ago, the very first Spider-Man movie premiered (wow I feel so old all of a sudden hahaha) and 2 more films followed. 5 years after the last was shown, you would think that there will be no more Spider-Man films, but surprise surprise! They decided to create a whole new one, and this time, it was more like the comic book version! (I think that’s great because I still believe that movie adaptations should stick to the written work as much as they can.)

Like the title, “The Amazing Spider-Man” is actually the original title of the comic book! And no, Peter Parker did not shoot webs out of his wrists, he actually invented a machine or whatever you call that in the comic book, and that was clearly shown in the movie. The villain in the latest Spidey movie is almost like the one on the comic book too! Mary Jane was not the first of Spider-Man either, it was Gwen Stacy a.k.a. Emma Stone. And apparently, Spider-Man started when he was a teenager, not someone who’s already working. (Source)

So, Marc Webber (no pun intended) and all the writers of the The Amazing Spider-Man, great job!

The world premiere date for the latest Spider-Man movie is the 3rd of July, but 2 days ago, it premiered here in the Philippines. I have been waiting for this movie since forever and yesterday, I was finally able to watch it!


This is by far, my favourite Spider-Man movie and I am going to watch it again and I will make sure it’s in 3D. The effects were good, like really good. Costume, props, and all of those were A+ as well. The story line was great! (I actually prefer this version over the original version sorry.)

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have GREAT chemistry on and off screen oh my god THEY WERE PERFECT. The rooftop and the bedroom floor scenes were adorable and sweet and you will clearly see the ~chemistry~ I was talking about.


This movie did not only stick to the comic book version, it also added a modern twist and I guess that’s one of the reasons why I love it.



Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and Peter Parker

Andrew Garfield is one of my favourite actors and I was so excited when they announced that he will be the new Spider-Man so I really couldn’t explain how I acted while waiting for the movie to start yesterday, I think my mom even asked me if I was alright and at some point the straw of my drink broke, like there were cracks all over it. Oh my god. Andrew really showed the awkward and intellectual side of Peter Parker as as teenager and I salute him for that.  Despite living in England most of his life,  his American accent was really, really good. He was also an A+++++++ Spider-Man. The lycra suit suited him well…. There were some scenes where he needed to cry and that was really believable…. He’s a great actor.


Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

I love love love Emma Stone she’s like one of my role models and I love her with Andrew Garfield and I am so glad, no not only glad, I cannot even describe how happy I am that they’re together and in The Amazing Spider-Man they were just perfect and oh my god. Her hair was really blonde but she had to dye it for some of her movies but for this one, she went back to her real hair colour. She was a perfect Gwen Stacy. She played the role really well. I cannot wait for the second movie!


Rhys Ifans as The Lizard and Dr. Curt Connors

I think it’s just me and this is probably weird but he honestly looked like a cross between Ryan Gosling and a relative of Draco Malfoy to me.

ANYWAY, Rhys Ifans was pretty good! I was convinced that he was really going mad and he really missed his arm and yeah… The effects were amazing too! Like when he was transforming into The Lizard, it was interesting…


So make sure you watch this movie! It’s one A+++ movie and something you should not miss. Also make sure that you don’t leave immediately because they will show some clip hinting that there will be a sequel!! 🙂


Last year, one of the greatest TV series appeared on TV. With an extraordinarily amazing story line and an unforgettable (well at least for me) cast, Awkward has everything I can look for in a show.


It’s about “An unpopular 15 year old gains immediate, yet unwanted, popularity at her high school when the student body mistakes an accident she has for a suicide attempt.”

It may sound like a typical TV show for teens (and before I watched it, that was what I thought) but I was wrong. Season 1 was pretty unforgettable and the cliffhanger they left in the last episode just made me want to jump off a cliff. So when MTV announced that Awkward will have a second season and it will be this year, I just couldn’t wait.

Last night (for the Philippines) I was finally able to download it. It aired on the 28th in the US so we had to wait for another day because of the damned time differences 😦 but I must say that it was definitely worth the wait. I let it finish downloading and this morning when I woke up it was done! So I immediately watched it and OH MY GOD EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL. I love how it started. I am still torn between Jake and Matty but whatever THIS SEASON IS GONNA BE AMAZING!!!!!!


Jenna finally knows who wrote the letter and this season, she’ll just find a way to tell that person that she already knows. She has to decide whether she likes Jake (on the left on both photos) or Matty (on the right in both photos) too! This will be very interesting…..


If you haven’t watched Awkward e v e r, I would suggest that you start with season 1 (NOW hahaha) because then you will actually understand what’s really happening. And if you have watched season 1, YOU NEED TO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE SEASON 2 NOW!!!

The first episode was about Jenna’s New Year’s Eve with Jake…… and Matty. It was very….. amusing….

And who do you think did Jenna kiss when the New Year countdown ended? 🙂

Don’t waste time and watch Awkward now!!! 😀



*all photos are from MTV

**I will most likely post more things about this show someday 🙂


I love love love love love crime/detective/stuff like that tv series and movies and when I asked some of my friends what to watch, they told me to check out Sherlock.

Aaaand I never got to watch it….. until today. I didn’t know what to do and I definitely didn’t want to do my homework yet so I looked through my files and I found a folder that’s filled with Sherlock series 1 and 2. I can say that I spent my morning and afternoon well, and this is by watching Sherlock series 1 and the first episode of series 2!


It’s pretty much about Sherlock Holmes in modern day London solving crimes and puzzles with his partner, Dr. John Watson.  Each episode is an hour and 30 minutes long! So it’s like a movie except it’s not because there are two series already with 3 episodes each hahaha

The first episode appeared two years ago I think and I cannot believe I just watched this series now. I seriously recommend this to all of you. If you love CSI or Castle or shows like those, this is for you. Also it’s created and sometimes written by Steven Moffat and although most of the time the episodes (from Doctor Who and Sherlock) that he co-wrote are confusing it’s still really interesting and I think it’s a great workout for the mind.


The cast is also amazing! Benedict Cumberbatch does not only have a great face, he also has great acting skills. He plays Sherlock and he’s amazing and convincing and he really talks fast. Martin Freeman, no I don’t know if he’s related to Morgan Freeman but I want to believe that they are related, is extraordinary as well. He’s doing a great job being John…. yes…

You should all start from episode 1, series 1 so that you’ll really understand what’s happening okay. Series 1 ends with a cliffhanger and it will really suck if you don’t have series 2 so make sure you get that too!!! They haven’t announced the series premiere for series 3 yet so yeah…. just hang on there because apparently, series 2 ends with a cliffhanger worse than series 1’s cliffhanger…. yeah….

Anyway, make sure you check out Sherlock and it’s amazingness!!! 🙂

Another [year] with the same kids, another [year] with the same drinks

Today was the first day of my junior year, a.k.a. the year that will decide where I might study college. It was an OK day… nothing g r e a t really happened but it wasn’t that bad either. I’m glad I saw most, if not all, of my close friends though.

Soooo many changes were implemented in our school this year, like 30 minutes (to 1 hour) was added to our school hours and we’re trimester now. We also have a small coffee vending machine now!!!! YAY!!!!!!! I am a coffee person and I thank God that they put one. It’s like 10 pesos per cup and sure it’s small but it’s actually an OK coffee considering it’s 10 pesos… We also have a foreign language class and… we still don’t know where we’re gonna be assigned…. I hope they’ll announce it already to end the suspense 😦

Today honestly didn’t feel like it was our first day. I am in class III – 13, and it’s like classes already started. s i g h.

Junior year will be really hectic and really busy. Our principal already said so. Wish me luck! 😦

P.S. I might not be posting that much because of school but I will try my best to post something at least once a week! (especially D.I.Y.’s because that’s like me new favourite past time hahaha!)


Studs and spikes are  e v e r y w h e r e  right now and unfortunately, I can’t find any studs or spikes in the Philippines (except the ones that are on the shirt/bracelet/bag/shorts already)… I also tried looking for some online and I found something but it was just too expensive…

So I tried using another material: thumbtacks.


I first thought of this months ago.. as a joke.

Thumbtacks may seem unsafe (and most of the time they are) but after trying to figure things out, I found out that you can use thumbtacks on your clothes/bags/accessories in a safe way! It’s seriously just like studs and spikes, even the way you fasten it.

That bag is the first thing I tried the thumbtacks experiment on and it’s not that bad! (yes that row of gold circles are the thumbtacks haha)

Thumbtacks are definitely the new (cheap) studs. 🙂